Monday, December 14, 2009

30 Ties - Day 10

Day 10: climbing with a tie. As is custom to wear a tie to the most interesting portion of my day, I climbed with a tie at the Mission Cliffs climbing gym, in San Francisco. I met Jenny, Colin, and an ex co-worker and friend of Jenny's, Fritz.

After the evening of bouldering at the gym, we met more ex co-workers (including my good friend Josh aka Jarsh) for dinner at Flower & Water, just two blocks away. Good company and good food! We then went for a drink at the Lone Palm, my favorite bar in the city. Awesomely, they were playing Passion Pit upon our arrival. Btw, Passion Pit is now featured in the new Palm Pixi Commercial. Isn't the relationship between commercial enterprise and indie music fascinating? They make odd bedfellows, indeed. For an interesting discussion about this phenomena, listen to this recent podcast by Slate's Culture Gabfest.

Stay tuned for some truly exotic posts with ties (tie-xotic?) over the next day or two. I'll be writing from a hotel lobby courtesy of the U.S. Dep't of Defense.

With love & thanks, Ryan.


Jason said...

That's some fancy rock climbing right there.

morgan said...

Department of Defense? You better wear a tie to that!